IAME2017 Kyoto – Call for Papers

The Event

IAME 2017 will be held in Kyoto, Japan on the 27th-30th of June 2017.

The conference, being held in Japan for the first time, will be co-organised by Kyoto University, Kobe University and Tokyo Institute of Technology, all with a strong interest in maritime economics. It is also notable that we shall celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the association in 2017.

The members of the Organising Committee are determined to offer an ideal environment for the success of the conference in the commemorative year for IAME, as well as to give the participants superb opportunities for a stroll in the old capital of Japan.

Conference Theme

At IAME 2017 Conference, we hope to offer participants opportunities to examine their areas of study and discuss the profound issues.

Contributions are sought in, but not limited to, the following areas.
– Maritime geopolitics
– Maritime economic geography
– Paradigm of maritime transport and shippers’ wants
– Maritime clusters
– Maritime logistics for Asia
– Future of deep-sea shipping (trunk lines and Asia-centrism)
– Shortsea shipping
– Cabotage restriction or liberalisation
– Optimum ship-size
– Evolution of ship design and economics
– Shipping business and quality culture
– Maritime rules and regulations
– Maritime technology vs. human resources
– Maritime education and training
– Seafaring and shore-based profession
– Ship management and manning
– Port policy
– Port competition
– Port management (public or private)
– Port clusters
– Evolution of container terminals
– Economies of scale/density/scope for ports
– Port and hinterland
– Service providers at ports
– Mega operators and local interest
– Human resources for ports
– Leadership in port development

Key Dates
[Full review track: a full paper in proceedings and its presentation]

– November 30, 2016
Abstract submission
– December 15, 2016

Acceptance notification to authors
– January 31, 2017
Full paper submission
– March 15, 2017
Reviewer’s comments feedback to authors
– March 15, 2017
Acceptance notification to authors
– April 30, 2017
Final paper submission
– May 31, 2017
Registration deadline for presenters to confirm their appearance in the program and proceedings*.
– June 27-30, 2017
Conference delegates meet in Kyoto, Japan

Further Information

Further information can be obtained from the conference website.
The IAME2017 Kyoto Call for Papers, can be accessed following this link.