- November 28, 2016
- Posted by: Damian Arango
- Category: Publications
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Maritime Economics & Logistics. Volume 18 Number 4 is now available online.
The political economy of shipping US food and aid under the cargo preference regime
Kenneth Button
Estimating the economic impact of a port through regional input–output tables: Case study of the Port of Cartagena
Andrés Artal-Tur, José María Gómez-Fuster, José Miguel Navarro-Azorín & José María Ramos-Parreño
Stochastic modeling of Supramax spot and forward freight rates
Fred Espen Benth & Steen Koekebakker
Planning of vessel speed and fuel bunkering over a route with speed limits
Izabela Ewa Nielsen, Ngoc Anh Dung Do, Jaejin Jang & Grzegorz Bocewicz
A simulation-based multi-objective optimization study of the fleet sizing problem in the offshore industry
Hamidreza Eskandari & Ehsan Mahmoodi
The impact of port service quality on customer satisfaction: The case of Singapore
Vinh V Thai
A knowledge gap model for improving service quality of international distribution centers
Show-Hui S Huang & Wen-Kai K Hsu
Exploring total quality management applications under uncertainty: A research agenda for the shipping industry
Angelos Pantouvakis & Evangelos Psomas