Maritime Economics & Logistics, Volume 19 Issue 2

Maritime Economics & Logistics Volume 19 Issue 2 is now available online.

Special Section: IAME-Norfolk Conference, 2014

Important news

Call for Proposals – Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics

Palgrave Macmillan welcome submissions to this new interdisciplinary series that seeks to improve our understanding of the role of the maritime sector within the global economy.

For more information, please contact

In this issue


Empirical methods in the study of maritime economics
Athanasios A. Pallis, Francesco Parola & Michele Acciaro


Original Articles

Simulating physical basis risks in the Capesize freight market
Roar Adland & Haiying Jia


Time–frequency analysis of the Baltic Dry Index
Jason Angelopoulos


Network assignment model of integrating maritime and hinterland container shipping: application to Central America
Ryuichi Shibasaki, Takayuki Iijima, Taiji Kawakami, Takashi Kadono & Tatsuyuki Shishido


Liner shipping networks, port characteristics and the impact on port performance
Dong-Joon Kang & Su-Han Woo


Forecasting container port volume: implications for dredging
Sang-Yoon Lee, Hyunwoo Lim & Hwa-Joong Kim


The importance of export logistics and trade costs in emerging economies
Luisa Martí & Rosa Puertas


Application of gravity models with a fixed component in the international trade flows of coal, iron ore and crude oil
Sahar Babri, Kurt Jørnsten & Michael Viertel


Intermodal freight network incorporating hub-and-spoke and direct calls for the archipelagic Philippines
Anita Odchimar & Shinya Hanaoka


Crane allocation with stability considerations
Evrim Ursavas