PhD Research Scholar position: Shipping digitalization and analytics

The Centre for Applied Research (SNF) at the Norwegian School of Economics is pleased to announce the availability of a PhD Research Scholarship within the field of shipping digitalization and analytics. The PhD research scholar is expected to work in the field of shipping economics, with a particular focus on empirical data analysis and applications of blockchain technology and smart contracts in the maritime industry.

The successful candidate must undertake relevant coursework equivalent to 45 ECTS at the Department of Business and Management Science at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). The PhD program offered by the Department aims to give dedicated students solid training in performing high-quality quantitative research.


Qualified candidates should have a master’s degree in a relevant discipline including economics, finance, statistics, econometrics, computing, logistics, engineering or operations research. Some knowledge of the maritime industry is an advantage. Candidates will be evaluated on the quality and relevance of their previous education, experience and research proposal.

The PhD dissertation must be written in English and evidence of English language proficiency must be provided. Applicants must meet the general admission requirements for the NHH PhD Program regarding GPA average and GMAT/GRE/TOEFL test scores.

The PhD program at NHH

The PhD Program at NHH is a four year fully funded program, which combines an intensive course component with research and teaching/work experience, preparing the school’s graduates for competitive careers at national and international academic institutions and industry. The scholarship involves 25 % teaching and/or research assistant responsibilities. PhD Research Scholars will be included in a highly stimulating and rewarding research environment. The candidate is expected to participate actively in research seminars and workshops, and interact closely with their supervisor, faculty and other PhD students.

The place of work will be at SNF/NHH in Bergen, Norway. The school aspires gender balance and diversity. If applicants are otherwise equally qualified, female applicants will be given preference. The annual salary for the PhD Research Scholar position is currently 480 144 NOK gross (equivalent to approximately € 50 000 or USD 59 000). The salary ensures a fair standard of living in Norway, and is subject to Norwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision. The city of Bergen offers a mild coastal climate and hosts rich opportunities for culture and outdoor activities, as well as a family-friendly environment.


The intended start date is September 1, 2018. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, by submitting the following documents: CV, Bachelor and Master’s degree diploma and English transcripts, two reference letters and a short research proposal (maximum 3 pages). Application should be submitted to

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